Search Results
(UN)PRIVILEGED AwardCeremony - Capturing the gap of social inequalities
Inequalities Unmasked: A Lecture by Keith Wailoo
Webinar: How can Community Health Workers help Africa achieve Universal Health Coverage?
2021 ASAN Gala: Opening Ceremony & Presentation of Awards
2022 Celebration of Gender Equity in Medicine and Science
The relation between research and societal needs
'Women in leadership for a just recovery' - #coops4women
Elin Bjarnegård & Pär Zetterberg 'Political parties and gendered representation' 15-Apr-14
Danubius Awards 2022
Closing and Award Ceremony - IUSSP Mattei Dogan Award and Best Poster Awards (IPC2021)
The Challenges of Social Inclusion in a Post-Conflict Environment
Saving the Web: Ethics & Challenges of Preserving the Internet (afternoon)